with Apple for around 4 hrs. trying to save and fix what ever
happened. I did manage to get back all that was lost except for
the very last post. It still won't publish and I don't feel like dealing
with it today so maybe next week we can get it to publish. I do like
being able to put all the pics. in an album and on the blog much easier
then blogger. (Sorry, these pics. are probably backwards and I don't
feel like redoing them, it takes to long.)
After 30 plus hrs. of travel we made it home late Friday the 18th.
When Sarah saw the Christmas Lights on our house She said,
Sarah seeing her room for the first time!

I think she likes it!
(Backing up a little)
Freshened up and waiting in LA for flight to PHX.
Poor Jaden was exhausted.
Our son Chris in the background drove us home from Phoenix.
The last two hrs. of our journey.
We arrived in Phoenix around 5:30 pm and were greeted by friends
We arrived in Phoenix around 5:30 pm and were greeted by friends
and family. We were all given flowers and the girls also received
cute little teddy bears holding a flower. A precious friend of mine &
her DH came up from Tucson and brought an awesome Chinese
Calligraphy that reads
"Welcome to America. Your dreams will come true."
Sarah took it and started to cry. Charlotte, thank-you for your
thoughtfulness and sharing how God's hand was in the making
of the awesome gift you brought our daughter. We went straight
from the airport to my SIL's work Christmas Party Fund Raiser.
(5 min. away) Sarah met 3 of her cousins, one of her Uncles,
a couple of her Aunts and even sat on Santa's lap with Jaden.
We stayed and watched the Flame Throwers and headed home
shortly after.
I think she likes it!
Freshened up and waiting in LA for flight to PHX.
She did have a very exciting and busy two wks.
Waiting in Hong Kong Airport. (Sorry if this is a little jumbled. I am
trying to remember everything I wrote on my lost post)
When we were walking over to our gate to wait for our flight.
When we were walking over to our gate to wait for our flight.
I saw Stan turn and start walking towards some people and I
thought I heard someone say" Is that Jaden ?" As we were getting
closer to the couple I thought the man looked familiar and the
two little boys. As we started talking I realized I was talking
to Nicole the mommy of all my E's! (mom's always seem to be
behind the cameras) Who happens to know some very dear
friends of ours who adopted their first daughter when we
adopted Jaden. The adoption world is so amazing to me.
I am truly humbled and honored that the Lord put it on my heart
to adopt. Trusting in His leading and stepping out in faith
and obedience He has blessed us beyond measure. We have
met so many wonderful Godly people in this journey. Some
who have become very special and dear friends to us. Not to
mention the two beautiful daughters we have the honor of
raising for Him and to know Him.
We enjoyed visiting with Nicole and her DH until their
flight came.
Then shortly after we were on our way to San
Francisco we didn't have a very long lay over and we had to
get through customs and give them our sealed envelope. The
customs officer didn't seem to understand that Sarah is our
adopted daughter and kept telling us she would need a green
card! I explained to him she is our adopted daughter and
is automatically an American Citizen. I am not sure if he
handled our paperwork correctly. I really don't think He
understood what I was telling him He had her sign the
paperwork and not us he kept saying she is old enough.
I hope this doesn't cause us any problems. I am really
concerned about.
The girls waiting for our flight in HK
I wonder what was going through Sarah's mind
as she leaves the land where she was born and
lived for the past thirteen years of her life with
complete strangers that don't even share her
language. Not to mention the food differences.
She is such a brave young lady.
It was wonderful meeting and talking with you!