How precious also are Your thoughts to me, Oh God!
How great is the some of them!
If I should count them, they would be more in number
than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You. Psalm 139:17,18
Jaden loves it! |
Chloe struggling with getting away from the icky seaweed as Sarah
and Jaden head out to jump waves. |
Whew! I made it! " Now would someone please tell me
why everyone thinks this beach stuff is so much fun?"
La Cholla had quite a bit of seaweed. So for our next
beach day we decided to go to the beach in Oceanside
and it was much better. No seaweed at all. Apparently
they have much more than seaweed. A week after we
came home we saw on the news La Cholla Beach was
closed due to a Great White Shark!! :-/ Sarah and Jaden
were going far into the water to jump waves. Thankful
for the Lord watching over them. |
Oceanside was much nicer and prettier. Chloe
didn't mind the small rocks at all. |
Trying to get away from the water. She would grab
her toys jump up and run. |
Chloe did eventually start to enjoy the water coming up and
surprising her. |
My picture of Sarah disappeared and I can't seem
to add it in at the end. She loved the ocean and jumping waves.
Just like her momma! Although this time I didn't do much jumping
waves. I was very nervous busy just watching her and Jaden
jumping waves.