God had put her on my heart and I started praying.
Monday before Thanksgiving 2008 received

this picture from our agency with an update.
We sent her a birthday cake and necklace for her 13th birthday.
Yes, after ninety-nine days of waiting. This morning we received
Your Love, O Lord,
reaches to the
Your faithfulness
to the skies.
Psalm 36:5
the long awaited phone call. We have our RA!!!! (referral acceptance)
Exactly one year ago to the day we received the phone call from our
agency letting us know the CCAA had given us permission to pursue
the adoption of Piper (because of China's new rules our agency
had to send a letter asking permission for us to adopt because DH
was going to hit the age limit) We were told that it would take
2 months for them to answer the request and it only took 2 weeks!!
We were also emailed a short video of her. God blessed us with a
wonderful wedding anniversary gift last year and again this year
with our RA!!!
What a beautiful reminder of God's restoring love in our marriage.