My son's fiance made a cute basket of fruit, spices and a tea bag at her bible study.
She thought of me and gave it to me as a gift! How sweet is that?! Oh my goodness the aroma was so wonderful.......We had some very unwanted visitors start to drop in and sneak through the edges of my hood above the stove where this delightful fruit was simmering away. The wonderful smell was making its way up through the vent on the roof attracting BEES!!

I called my DH and he came to the rescue! He used smoke to knock them out and to get their buddies who were still in the vent. We left for Jaden's friends birthday party so I don't have pictures of all the bees and mess. (He wasn't thinking great shots for blog) : ) He cleaned it all up for me! What a way to get the hood above your stove cleaned!
Thanks honey! You are the greatest!
Here is the wonderful recipe for
The Smell Of Christmas
1 Tea Bag (we used sweet & spicy)
1 bound teaspoon of whole cloves
An apple
An orange
A lemon
2 Cinnamon sticks
Quarter fruit; then place all ingredients in boiling water
or in a potpourri pot. Simmer and enjoy the smells of Christmas.
I hope and pray this delightfully soothing holiday aroma will help
you celebrate the joy of this Holy Season.
Merry Christmas!
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given..."
Isaiah 9:6
PS...... if you live where you are having unseasonable warm weather (like us)
you may want to wait for a cooler day. ; )