When she heard our church was going to have a baptism on Thursday evening( Oct. 27 I know I'm a little behind) she wanted to be baptized. We talked about it and I gave her a little Bible study to do. (to see if she understood it is a outward profession of her faith in Jesus Christ) The day before, the weather turned cold and since it was outside I told her she could wait until another time but that it was up to her. She decided to wait. That night we were watching Charles Stanley and he was talking about everything we had been talking about with our lesson in school and then he talked about baptism. We looked at each other and smiled. She even commented about how we had talked about the same things earlier in the day. I know it was the Holy Spirit nudging her. The next day we had to go to the store and on the way out we stopped by to see DH at work. He mentioned how he was going to go home and take a nap before we go. I told him Sarah decided to wait and I turned to ask her and well.......... I think you know the answer! : ))))
Thanks Megan for the picture! |

Then Jaden, who has talked about being baptized off and on for the past year, commented how she would like to be baptized but she didn't finish the little Bible study I gave her. So I had her share with me what she thinks it is about it. We didn't bring a change a clothes for her. I happened to have an extra pair of capri jeans for Chloe in the car that used to be Jaden's so we had her squeeze into them. A sweet young lady heard us talking about Jaden using Sarah's wet t-shirt and she mentioned her dad had an extra t-shirt
and ran to get it for us. Don't you just love how He works out all the little details?!

When Jaden was changing back into her dry clothes. This is what she said to me. "God put it in my heart to do it tonight. This isn't like playtime. It is serious, burying our old self and coming up new, telling everyone I am following Jesus."
This momma's heart is overflowing with joy!
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
3 John 1:4